Health Forward Foundation

Today we want to give a shout out and talk about one of our amazing sponsors, Health Forward Foundation. Food Equality Initiative (FEI) is a nonprofit organization that relies on generous sponsors to carry forward the FEI vision of making the world a better, safer, and healthier place for all.  Thanks to the Health Forward Foundation, FEI is able to pursue its vision.

You may be familiar with the Health Forward Foundation, formerly named the Health Care Foundation.  According to the Health Forward Foundation website, “The new name and logo reflect the dynamic momentum happening in our communities and keeps us focused on the vision we have for healthy people in healthy communities.” Annually, the Health Forward Foundation awards $20 million to grantees and community partners. The foundation funds organizations whose advocacy work supports their three broad policy priorities. These priorities are (1) promoting universal health coverage for the uninsured and underinsured (2) reducing disparities in access to quality health care/mental health care (3) improving health care/mental health care prevention strategies.

Since 2017, FEI has maintained a partnership with the Health Forward Foundation. FEI has had the honor to receive a one-year grant starting October 2019 through October 2020. Through a sponsorship with the Health Forward Foundation this year, FEI can fulfill its core operating expenses of the organization by providing salary support for the CEO and Office Coordinator. A percentage of the awarded funds will also purchase core food items needed to keep partner-pantry shelves stocked.

FEI graciously thanks the Health Forward Foundation for its continued support. The foundation’s support helps Food Equality Initiative carry out its mission.


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