Hunger Action Month

September is Hunger Action Month, a month that is purely dedicated to feeding the hungry all across America. If you’ve ever wanted to make a difference in the community, now is your chance!

We often associate having a low income with hunger, but we’d like to change that. In our work of helping people that struggle with food allergies and celiac disease, we are constantly made aware of just how much of a strain food allergies can put on any budget. With many allergy friendly foods costing over double that of their “normal” counterpart, buying food becomes expensive for anyone, not just those that fall into a “low-income bracket.” This issue is leaving all kinds of people hungry, which is where we come in.

Our Hunger Action Month Campaign

This year for Hunger Action Month, we are teaming up with as many individuals as possible to take part in one of our challenges we have created.

Challenge 1 is to “round up” your change for the month of September. You can simply throw change into a jar or keep track on your own then at the end of September donate that collected change to Food Equality Initiative.

Challenge 2 is to give $5 every week for the month of September totaling $25 for the month. We are looking for passionate, influential individuals to donate to Food Equality Initiative so that we can expand our reach to include all those that suffer with food allergies and celiac disease. We have created this campaign as an opportunity for all the members of our community to make small steps to help each other in big ways.

The theme for this campaign is “Small Steps Make Big Changes” because we truly feel that if we each make a little effort to help those in need, that we can make the world a better and safer place. We firmly believe that all people should have access to the food they need to be healthy, which is what drives us to not only provide food for those in need, but to also change the system to allow all people to access necessary food.

We invite you to take on one of these challenges for the month of September to help us raise funds to provide food to those in need, and to make allergy friendly food more accessible to everyone. If you’re looking for other ways to get involved, click here to donate.


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