Food is Medicine
Food is Medicine Blog materials are curated to create a nutrition-educated community.
Our current collections focus on 6 major areas, providing tips & tricks for living a
full life with special dietary needs.
These articles are meant for informational purposes; please talk with your physician or medical personnel before making any dietary changes
UN Report Shows that Record Food Prices are Affecting Food Security
Of the global food import bill, countries are estimated to 10% more from last year for foodstuffs. In other words, food prices are affecting food security for people all across the globe.
The Gap: Food Security and Nutrition Security
Here at Food Equality Initiative, our mission is to fight for nutrition security and health equity for all. Food insecurity affects 42 million Americans right now, what about nutrition insecurity? What is the difference between food security and nutrition security?
Advancing Nutrition Security
Nutrition security is the consistent access, availability, and affordability of foods and beverages that promote well-being and prevent, and sometimes treat, disease.
FEI's 2022 Vision
Along with new leadership, FEI has made some pretty neat New Year’s Resolutions to our vision in 2022.