Food is Medicine
Food is Medicine Blog materials are curated to create a nutrition-educated community.
Our current collections focus on 6 major areas, providing tips & tricks for living a
full life with special dietary needs.
These articles are meant for informational purposes; please talk with your physician or medical personnel before making any dietary changes
The Allergy Table - a personal experience
From my personal experience, I felt that the resounding vibe of the 'allergy table' was that of fostering alienation, and if I could go back and change my experience and choose to sit at a 'regular lunch table,' I would.
Sorghum for Schools
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) will now be including an ancient grain in the USDA’s Food Buying Guide for Child Nutrition Programs - sorghum.
Tastemaker: Celiac Diagnosis
My name is Anna, and even with my celiac diagnosis, I am still tempted to eat non gluten-free food!
Baking, advocacy, and blogs...
Having food allergies has inspired me to learn how to cook and bake for myself. Baking and cooking have since become major elements of my self-care routine.
Halloween and Food Allergies
Halloween treats often consist of common allergen ingredients such as peanuts, tree nuts, wheat, milk, and eggs.
Back to School with Food Allergies
There’s nothing worse than living in fear that your children could have an allergic reaction at school, and you wouldn’t be there to help them.