White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health: Plenaries & Panels
You can now watch every plenary and panel session from the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health here. Below are links to all the individual sessions.
Main Stage Plenaries
Opening Remarks from President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. and Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack
Opening Plenary featuring Ambassador Susan E. Rice in conversation with Chairman Jim McGovern, Senator Cory Booker, and Senator Mike Braun
Afternoon Plenary featuring Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra in conversation with Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro, Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, and Mayor Eric Adams
Panel Sessions
Pillar 1 Improve food access and affordability
Pillar 1a - Nourishing Brighter Futures: Ensuring affordable food for all children and families
Panel 1b - Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborating to increase affordable food options in underserved communities
Pillar 2 Integrate nutrition and health
Panel 2a - Food is Medicine: Bringing nutrition out of the health care shadows
Panel 2b - Breaking Barriers: Bridging the gap between nutrition and health
Pillar 3 Empower consumers to make and have access to healthy choices
Panel 3a - Look Locally: Growing partnerships to expand local food options
Panel 3b - Making Health Choices Easy: Why improving food environments matters
Pillar 4 Support physical activity for all
Panel 4a - Fit for Life: Creating communities designed for activity
Panel 4b - The Power of Play: Supporting physical activity for kids
Pillar 5 Enhance nutrition and food security research
Panel 5a - Evidence to Action: Using research to guide policy and scale pilots
Panel 5b - Advancing Equitable Research: Developing innovative and inclusive policy solutions