Food is Medicine
Food is Medicine Blog materials are curated to create a nutrition-educated community.
Our current collections focus on 6 major areas, providing tips & tricks for living a
full life with special dietary needs.
These articles are meant for informational purposes; please talk with your physician or medical personnel before making any dietary changes
Boost Your Immune System
There are many ways to boost your immune system naturally through food and dietary changes, which is especially important during the winter season when more sickness is among us.
Nutrition is Important for HIV
Living with HIV can present many challenges, including the need to pay closer attention to the health of the immune system. Good nutrition is important for HIV patients.
White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health: Plenaries & Panels
You can now watch every plenary and panel session from the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health here.
How to Feel Full
Sometimes hunger cues happen more often than they should or continue to occur after a meal. So let's talk about how to feel full with less food and more nutrients.
The Food is Medicine Movement
The sooner we can get people the medicine they need in the form of healthy food, the sooner we can improve public health.
Food Is Medicine for Vegans
Contrary to popular belief, listening to my body and adapting a healthy vegan diet only made me love food more. Definitely, food is medicine for vegans.
Leptin and Ghrelin: Hunger Hormones
Leptin and ghrelin are the two major hunger hormones responsible for controlling appetite, feelings of hunger/fullness, and maintaining weight.
Active Eating - what to eat for exercise
It is important to fuel your children’s bodies with the right foods before, during, and after active exercise in order to get maximum benefits!
Spices and Herbs with Important Health Benefits
Spices and herbs are most known to enhance and add flavor to our favorite foods and meals. But, did you know, they can also have significant health benefits?
All About IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
Although there is no cure for Irritable Bowel Syndrome, an adjusted diet or direction from your doctor can ease pain and help to relieve some side effects.
Alpha-Gal: the Tick-Related Syndrome to Watch Out for This Summer
Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is an allergic reaction to red meat and other mammal products (such as milk products or gelatin).
Gluten-Free Brand Compilation
My hope is that this resource will help those who are newly diagnosed find gluten-free brands and break the cycle of confusion!
How I Make Recipes Allergy Friendly
My cake is gluten free, top 9 allergy free, vegan, and free-from a LOT of less common allergens. How do I go about creating free-from recipes?
The Food Labeling Modernization Act
This bill is a comprehensive effort to address numerous food labeling issues to require that food product packaging must disclose gluten-containing grains.
Is Climate Change Impacting Food Allergies?
Will a climate change induced prolonged ragweed season impact the prevalence or severity of food allergies? These studies tell us what's up.
The Ice Cream Shop: Cross Contact
Ice cream is a staple food of the summer. However, how safe are ice cream shops for food allergies? Here are some precautions we recommend.
Methods of Allergy Testing
Methods of testing for a food allergy include skin testing, blood testing, and an oral food challenge. Each are performed by an allergist.
How to Recognize Anxiety & Steps to Take to Help
From The ITCH Podcast, a discussion on food allergy anxiety, the healthy versus harmful effects and how to get help.
Reimagining Childhood Snacks
Who says your snacks have to look like others’? Since you may not be able to eat what they are eating, you can make new creations.
Expiration dates: to eat or not to eat?
Have you ever wondered if it is okay to eat products that are past the “use by,” “best before,” “enjoy by” and other expiration dates?