September is Hunger Action Month

September is the beginning of many changes. It is the end of summer and the first month of fall. September is the end of summer vacation and the beginning of back-to-school season. Even Earth, Wind & Fire has something to say about the changes September brings: “Do you remember the 21st night of September? Love was changing the minds of pretenders.” 

But before we get to September 21st, let’s first stop at September 10th: Hunger Action Day. What is Hunger Action Day, you ask? It is one day in September to wear orange in order to bring greater awareness to the work of Hunger Action Month which takes place during the entirety of September. It is a movement set to change the status quo of millions of Americans who go hungry every day. It began in 2008 by the organization Feeding America and is one month out of the year dedicated to feeding our neighbors through volunteering and activism. Here are some stats provided by Feeding America about the state of hunger in the United States:

Food Equality Initiative’s mission to support the low-income food allergy and Celiac communities is directly in line with Feeding America’s Hunger Action Movement. FEI’s Free-From Marketplace is the next step for providing access to allergy friendly food to those who need it. In addition to our work with nutrition education, and advocacy, we are helping to keep our friends and neighbors fed.

Check out Feeding America’s website to see how you can get involved in your community.


7% Coalition Founder: Chomps


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