Food is Medicine
Food is Medicine Blog materials are curated to create a nutrition-educated community.
Our current collections focus on 6 major areas, providing tips & tricks for living a
full life with special dietary needs.
These articles are meant for informational purposes; please talk with your physician or medical personnel before making any dietary changes
Letter to FDA Regarding Allergen Labeling
FEI signed onto a letter to the FDA regarding allergen labeling policies on foods.
The Allergy Table - a personal experience
From my personal experience, I felt that the resounding vibe of the 'allergy table' was that of fostering alienation, and if I could go back and change my experience and choose to sit at a 'regular lunch table,' I would.
Food Allergy Collaborative releases Voice of the Patient Report
The insights and perspectives of people living with food allergy, which are collected in this Voice of the Patient Report, can help guide the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in partnership with biopharmaceutical companies to evaluate and develop critical new therapies and improved policies that are desperately needed by this community.
Halloween Candy, Treats, and More
We have all been through a lot in the past couple of years and deserve a little fun this Halloween! Here are some ideas to make halloween candy more accessible for everyone.
Food is Medicine for Food Allergies
In food allergy, we sometimes forget to think of food in a positive sense; that food can actually make you feel better. Food is medicine for food allergies.
Food is Medicine
Medicine was traditionally viewed as a drug, but we are understanding more that healthy food is medicine and should be made more accessible.Medicine was traditionally viewed as a drug, but we are understanding more that healthy food is medicine and should be made more accessible.
Food Allergy Collaborative Convening Report Toward White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health
the undersigned members of the Food Allergy Collaborative appreciate the opportunity to submit the following comments toward the fall 2022 White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health.
Alpha-Gal: the Tick-Related Syndrome to Watch Out for This Summer
Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is an allergic reaction to red meat and other mammal products (such as milk products or gelatin).
More Awareness = Safer Communities
Food Allergy Awareness Week is this week and food allergy advocates are using the week to shine visibility on and educate others about this potentially life-threatening medical condition.
Introducing Korean Convenience
Korean Convenience helps people with food allergies, and dietary restrictions find ready-made Korean food easier.
Advocacy Aisle: Elijah's Law
Elijah’s Law, the first of its kind in the United States, requires all daycare programs and public schools to implement guidelines to prevent, recognize, and respond to anaphylactic reactions.
How I Make Recipes Allergy Friendly
My cake is gluten free, top 9 allergy free, vegan, and free-from a LOT of less common allergens. How do I go about creating free-from recipes?
FEI Advocate: Nehgar
Nehgar said, "I would love to do anything to help families across the nation, because it is really necessary. People are struggling."
FEI Advocate: Dawn
Dawn said: I need to go to advocate. Someone can benefit from my story. People need to know what it is like to be an adult with food allergies.
Teal Pumpkin Project
Peyton can spot a teal pumpkin on Halloween at a front doorstep and know that the treats at that house are safe for her to take.
Navigating Adulthood with EoE
Similar to others who are diagnosed with eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE), I had never heard of this disease, let alone how to pronounce it.
Food Laws: College Dining Plans
Thank you so much for joining us for part two of our new webinar series, Food Laws: College Dining Plans. Read the highlights here.
Allergies, one day at a time
When grocery shopping after my daughter had her first anaphylactic attack from food allergies, fear and despair was fresh in our minds.